Stadium NOWHERE is a collaborative creation of a situation – “Now and Here”, which deals with a place unable to adapt to new demands. In the shape of seven nomadic structures, the history of the Plečnik Stadium is unfolded, visualized, built and carried by architectural students from The Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana into the city to engage with public and the static buildings of Jože Plečnik . Stadium NOWHERE
Beginning at Plecnikova hisa / Plečnik House.
Crossing Trnovski most / Trnovo Bridge (Jože Plečnik: 1929-32)
Passing the Roman Wall, Križanke, (Jože Plečnik: 1952–1956)
Passing Spomenik Napoleoum in Iliriji / Monument to Napoleum and Illyria, (Jože Plečnik: 1929-1932-1940)
Passing Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica / National and University Library, (Jože Plečnik: 1936–1941)
Passing famous musicians on plinths in front of Glasbena Matica / Music Society (Jože Plečnik: 1932)
Crossing Kongresni Trg / Congress Square
Crossing “Tromostovje” / Triple bridge, (Jože Plečnik: 1929–1932)
Passing Trznice / the Market, (Jože Plečnik: 1940–1944)
Pittstop in front of Town Hall
Passing Levstik Trg / Levstik Square (Jože Plečnik: 1938)
“Historical moments” of architectural visions, religious ceremonies, military ceremonies, sporting events, commercialization, cultural heritage issues and environmental/ neighborhood issues are to be experienced via the seven physical structures, created by the students:
House of Landscape is an enclosed space visualizing the story of the stadium as a loop from a gravel pit and back to nature.
House of Architecture & Urbanism presents the Stadiums connection to Plecniks plan for Ljubljana as a “New Athens”.
House of Religion brings religion out of the institution and onto the street – like a small Chapel.
House of Military tells the story of how the Stadium was used as a backdrop for political ideologies.
House of Sports & Commercialization sees the Stadium from the view of the spectator
House of Conflict shows a model of the Stadium built of elements, the visualizations of the investors project for the Stadium renovation and documents the five reasons why the Local Initiative is against the proposal.
House of Nature is an open wall space showing a herbarium of wild plants, which grows at the Stadium and cultivated plants from the Fond Gardens on the other side of the Stadium Wall.
To architecture students Anja Jelen, Mojca Lebeničnik, Ana Skobe, Deja Đukić, Alja Cevc, Eva Polenik, Anja Jezernik Knaus, Urša Rot, Leonard Krišto, Katja Lipič, Neža Lazar, Mojca Kostevc, Urška Cvikl, Amadeja Belej, Katja Klančnik, Vika Lenassi, Eva Razložnik, Jaka Černe , David Groleger, Rok Lovšin, Katja Marinič, Isidora Todorić, Barbara Butara, Domagoj Gržanić, Darko Gavrilovic, Sabina Černič, David Dan Mrevlje Natlačen, Žan Šabeder for creating the seven nomadic structures.
To MAO – Museum of Architecture & Design, for inviting Stadium NOWHERE to exhibit at MAO and for providing second hand building materials.
To Matevz Juvancic, Faculty of architecture , for building assistance.
To Museum of Recent History for providing historical photographs of the Stadium.
To The Local Initiative / and Bežigrajski športni park d.o.o. for delivering texts and images for House of Conflict.
To Tanja Lazetic and Ana Skobe for still photographs of Stadium NOWHERE Walk.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement n° 317325.