- 1:1 actions citizenship community competitions context craftsmanship dialogue digital interface documenting edible plants ethics everyday life experiments gesture housing infrastructures inspiration interdisciplinarity inventory logistics manufacturing masterplan materials matters of concern maximal presence minimal economy negotiating off-site production off the grid organizing place projects by invitation projects with a client proposal public space reclycled materials reflecting regulations representation research by practice rituals rural self-initiated projects sidewalks storytelling street-level suburban temporality the mill the office transformations urban variability village welfare society working with children working with students
“Højhytten” og ny rute gennem Selde.
Landscape & Exteriors
1:1, actions, citizenship, community, context, craftsmanship, everyday life, experiments, gesture, infrastructures, interdisciplinarity, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, negotiating, place, projects by invitation, public space, rural, village
1:1, actions, citizenship, community, context, craftsmanship, everyday life, experiments, gesture, infrastructures, interdisciplinarity, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, negotiating, place, projects by invitation, public space, rural, village
Fragmenteret Hus i Skulpturlandsby Selde
Fragmenteret Hus er en videreudvikling af projektet Jordemodergrunden. Et debatskabende forslag om et nyt sti forløb, der kan skabe nye forbindelser mellem landsby, landskab og kunst – og om hvordan byggede strukturer i mark-og grundskel kan skabe fælles brugbare mødesteder i Selde på tværs af private matrikler.
Fragmenteret hus/Jordemodergrunden er økonomisk støttet af Statens Kunstfonds Billedkunstudvalg, Dreyers Fond, Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond og Skive Kommune.
Landscape & Exteriors
1:1, community, context, craftsmanship, dialogue, everyday life, gesture, infrastructures, materials, matters of concern, negotiating, off the grid, organizing, place, projects by invitation, proposal, public space, regulations, research by practice, rural, storytelling, village
1:1, community, context, craftsmanship, dialogue, everyday life, gesture, infrastructures, materials, matters of concern, negotiating, off the grid, organizing, place, projects by invitation, proposal, public space, regulations, research by practice, rural, storytelling, village
Skorstenshus er opført på invitation af Sejerø Festival.
Det fungerede som Tehus under Sejerø Festival 2014.
Byggeassistenter: Pernille Holm Mogensen, Anders CA, Camilla Mengel, Lea Steensdatter
Se billedserie fra Sejerø Festival 2014 hos Kopenhagen.
Møllen ligger på kanten af Lyckeby åen i Blekinge uden fysiske matrikelskel og i et landskab i konstant forandring afhængig af vandstrømme og vindforhold.
En auktion i Karlskrona førte til overtagelse af Møllen, som havde ringe markedsefterspørgsel. Vandmøllen gik ud af drift i 1957 og siden har landskabet omkring bygningerne ændret sig drastisk. Stendæmningen, der tidligere kontrollerede et vandfald på 2,2 meter, er styrtet sammen og har dannet nye formationer og øer, som er sprunget i skov.
Landscape & Exteriors
1:1, actions, context, craftsmanship, documenting, edible plants, everyday life, experiments, infrastructures, inspiration, inventory, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, off the grid, place, reclycled materials, rituals, rural, self-initiated projects, storytelling, temporality, the mill
1:1, actions, context, craftsmanship, documenting, edible plants, everyday life, experiments, infrastructures, inspiration, inventory, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, off the grid, place, reclycled materials, rituals, rural, self-initiated projects, storytelling, temporality, the mill