- 1:1 actions citizenship community competitions context craftsmanship dialogue digital interface documenting edible plants ethics everyday life experiments gesture housing infrastructures inspiration interdisciplinarity inventory logistics manufacturing masterplan materials matters of concern maximal presence minimal economy negotiating off-site production off the grid organizing place projects by invitation projects with a client proposal public space reclycled materials reflecting regulations representation research by practice rituals rural self-initiated projects sidewalks storytelling street-level suburban temporality the mill the office transformations urban variability village welfare society working with children working with students
Kolding – broernes by
Kolding – broernes by er en helhedsplan for Kolding Å – udviklet i samarbejde med billedkunstner og teaterleder Kirsten Dehlholm, landskabsarkitekt Kristine Jensen, billedkunstner Sophia Kalkau og keramiker Ann Lilja – initieret af Statens Kunstfond. Projektet blev enstemmigt vedtaget på et ekstraordinært fællesmøde mellem tre politiske udvalg i Kolding Kommune, men blev aldrig realiseret. Se projektets eget website.