- 1:1 actions citizenship community competitions context craftsmanship dialogue digital interface documenting edible plants ethics everyday life experiments gesture housing infrastructures inspiration interdisciplinarity inventory logistics manufacturing masterplan materials matters of concern maximal presence minimal economy negotiating off-site production off the grid organizing place projects by invitation projects with a client proposal public space reclycled materials reflecting regulations representation research by practice rituals rural self-initiated projects sidewalks storytelling street-level suburban temporality the mill the office transformations urban variability village welfare society working with children working with students
edible plants
Tingstedet er et kunst- og arkitekturprojekt i Taastrupgaard, der udvikles i samarbejde med beboere og havefællesskabet Det Grønne Hjørne. Se En Drøm i Morgen
Tingstedet er et sted for fællesskaber mellem mennesker, vækster, mycelium og brød, samtaler om forskellige kulturer, overlevering af viden og opskrifter, udveksling af materialeproduktion og byggeteknikker, og historiefortælling gennem tegning.
Interventions, Landscape & Exteriors, PROJECTS
1:1, actions, citizenship, community, context, craftsmanship, dialogue, documenting, edible plants, ethics, everyday life, experiments, gesture, inspiration, interdisciplinarity, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, negotiating, organizing, place, projects by invitation, proposal, public space, research by practice, rituals, storytelling, temporality
1:1, actions, citizenship, community, context, craftsmanship, dialogue, documenting, edible plants, ethics, everyday life, experiments, gesture, inspiration, interdisciplinarity, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, negotiating, organizing, place, projects by invitation, proposal, public space, research by practice, rituals, storytelling, temporality
Verden ligger under dine fødder
Verden ligger under dine fødder er en installation hos Dansk Standardpoesi på Vejen Kunstmuseum. Installationen henter sit materiale både over og under jorden. Udgangspunktet er planten, Stor Nælde (Brændenælde), der ikke vokser nede fra og op, men horisontalt fra midten og ud i mange forskellige retninger.
Seven nomadic structures and a timeline of the Plečnik Stadium history are exhibited at MAO – Museum of Architecture and Design, together with a recording of the Stadium NOWHERE Walk in the city of Ljubljana.
Stadium NOWHERE unfolds the history of the Plečnik Stadium - a place unable to adapt to new demands. It´s a collaborative creation of a situation in the shape of seven nomadic structures, visualized, built and carried into the city to interact with public and the static buildings of Jože Plečnik.
The project produces a response no one has asked for to learn about society and its mechanisms. The current dispute around the redevelopment of the Stadium asks general questions about collective behaviour, rationales and ideals of society. Earlier, political systems and strong ideologies made dialogue difficult because of polarization and the determinate solutions embedded in these ideologies. With today’s complex reality a dialogue that comes before political decisions is fundamental.
Stadium NOWHERE is an architectural research by Danish architect Gitte Juul in collaboration with architectural students from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture.
Stadium NOWHERE Walk
Stadium NOWHERE is a collaborative creation of a situation – “Now and Here”, which deals with a place unable to adapt to new demands. In the shape of seven nomadic structures, the history of the Plečnik Stadium is unfolded, visualized, built and carried by architectural students from The Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana into the city to engage with public and the static buildings of Jože Plečnik . Stadium NOWHERE
Havens Trappe
Havens trappe er et forslag til et Orangeri i Gl. Holtegaards Barokhave.
Forslaget er en blanding af en trappe, et udsigtspunkt, et opholdsrum og en sukkerrør plantage. Det nutidige i forslaget består ikke så meget i formsproget som i de forskellige perspektiver på fortidens kompleksitet. Det er erindringen om en periode og dens kultur. Trappen husker enevælden – iscenesættelsen – kolonitiden - det sorte slaveris betydning for det danske samfunds velstand – og den hvide figur.
Havens Trappe iscenesætter fortællingen om barokkens spejling mellem inde og
ude. Trappen er vandret ud i haven og har placeret sig som en hvid figur blandt
andre hvide figurer. Den bringer mennesker og planter sammen i arkitektur.
Jordemodergrunden i Skulpturlandsby Selde
Udstillingsprojektet Jordemodergrunden indgår i Skulpturlandsby Selde 2014-2015, kurateret af billedkunstner Marianne Jørgensen.
1:1, actions, community, context, dialogue, documenting, edible plants, everyday life, gesture, infrastructures, inspiration, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, place, projects by invitation, public space, representation, storytelling, temporality
1:1, actions, community, context, dialogue, documenting, edible plants, everyday life, gesture, infrastructures, inspiration, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, place, projects by invitation, public space, representation, storytelling, temporality
Streetkitchen_Kolkata er et bærbart Tehus – en blanding mellem et hus, et spisebord og en gadesælgervogn – og en potentiel, spredt have med spiselige planter. Projektet blev udviklet på eget initiativ og udført i storbyen Kolkata i Indien i samarbejde med lokale gadehandlere, håndværkere og billedkunstner Anja Franke. Projektet udforskede traditionelle håndværk, materialer, botanik, genstande, byen, de politiske-og økonomiske systemer, – og ikke mindst menneskene og handlingerne bag. Ler, bambus, plantefrø, kopper, genbrugt spisestel fra Danmark og en bærbar bod blev sat i nye sammenhænge med håndværkere og gadesælgere for at udfordre relationerne mellem byens formelle og uformelle rum og aktiviteter. Projektet blev efterfølgende installeret på Goethe Instituttet i Kolkata.
1:1, actions, citizenship, community, context, craftsmanship, dialogue, documenting, edible plants, ethics, everyday life, experiments, gesture, infrastructures, inspiration, interdisciplinarity, logistics, manufacturing, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, off the grid, place, regulations, research by practice, self-initiated projects, sidewalks, street-level, temporality, variability
1:1, actions, citizenship, community, context, craftsmanship, dialogue, documenting, edible plants, ethics, everyday life, experiments, gesture, infrastructures, inspiration, interdisciplinarity, logistics, manufacturing, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, off the grid, place, regulations, research by practice, self-initiated projects, sidewalks, street-level, temporality, variability
Flora Indica Clay Cups
Flora Indica Clay Cups is a pottery created for the projekt Streetkitchen_Kolkata in 2013. It was produced in collaboration with a local clay cup maker in Kolkata as a counterpart to the exclusive danish dinnerware Flora Danica by Royal Copenhagen. Seeds from native indian plants were used for making a seedstamp on ordinary clay cups in order to make it possible for a future random garden to grow in the city on locations where chai customers throw their used Flora Indica Clay Cup.
1:1, actions, citizenship, community, context, craftsmanship, dialogue, documenting, edible plants, everyday life, experiments, gesture, infrastructures, manufacturing, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, place, public space, reclycled materials, research by practice, rituals, self-initiated projects, street-level, temporality, transformations
1:1, actions, citizenship, community, context, craftsmanship, dialogue, documenting, edible plants, everyday life, experiments, gesture, infrastructures, manufacturing, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, place, public space, reclycled materials, research by practice, rituals, self-initiated projects, street-level, temporality, transformations
Gadekøkken_Kättilsmåla er en spiselig have med et bærbart Spisehus – en blanding mellem et hus, et spisebord og en gadesælgervogn. Projektet blev udviklet på eget initiativ og udført i landsbyen Kättilsmåla i Sverige i samarbejde med den lokale Interesseforening. Projektet udfordrede den private ejendomsret i forsøget på at øge skalaen af landsbyens fælles rum.
Det andet Bibliotek
Det andet Bibliotek blev udført på Banegårdsplasen i Ballerup af Byen Sover og eentileen i samarbejde med Kontoret for Kunst i Byen.
Projektet Tehaven var en del af byrumsprojektet Lyset finder Vej, initieret af Kontoret for Kunst i Byen. Ballerup Bymidte blev fyldt med planter, stilladser og lysstofsrør med henblik på at teste kunstneriske strategier og idéer til udviklingen af Ballerup Bymidte. Billedkunstner Hans E Madsen opstillede lysinstallationerne og jeg skabte Tehaven.
1:1, actions, citizenship, context, dialogue, edible plants, ethics, everyday life, experiments, gesture, infrastructures, inspiration, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, place, regulations, research by practice, sidewalks, street-level, temporality, the office, transformations, variability
1:1, actions, citizenship, context, dialogue, edible plants, ethics, everyday life, experiments, gesture, infrastructures, inspiration, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, place, regulations, research by practice, sidewalks, street-level, temporality, the office, transformations, variability
Forhavekøkken er udført på invitation fra IHi – Instant HERLEV institute, som er en udstillingsorganisation for stedsspecifikke projekter, drevet af billedkunstner og kurator Anja Franke. IHi har base i AFs private have i et almindeligt parcelhuskvarter i Herlev, som er en forstad til København. Anvendt som et åbent udstillingsrum, der præsenterer inviterede kunstnere fra hele verden, favner det private rum offentligheden ved at invitere til en ny type dialog i lokalområdet. Forhavekøkken er støttet af Statens Kunstråd, Gardena og Lille Smørum Krydderurter.
SOUP – Sol over Urbanplanen
SOUP er et kunst- og arkitekturprojekt, der blev udviklet på baggrund af en invitation fra Statens Kunstfond. I perioden august 2007 – juli 2008 deltog jeg i et flerfagligt samarbejde om en ny strategi for Solvang Centret i Urbanplanen, som var udtømt og blottet for muligheder for ophold.
1:1, actions, citizenship, community, context, dialogue, documenting, edible plants, ethics, everyday life, experiments, gesture, infrastructures, inspiration, interdisciplinarity, logistics, manufacturing, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, place, projects by invitation, regulations, research by practice, sidewalks, street-level, temporality, transformations, variability
1:1, actions, citizenship, community, context, dialogue, documenting, edible plants, ethics, everyday life, experiments, gesture, infrastructures, inspiration, interdisciplinarity, logistics, manufacturing, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, place, projects by invitation, regulations, research by practice, sidewalks, street-level, temporality, transformations, variability
Møllen ligger på kanten af Lyckeby åen i Blekinge uden fysiske matrikelskel og i et landskab i konstant forandring afhængig af vandstrømme og vindforhold.
En auktion i Karlskrona førte til overtagelse af Møllen, som havde ringe markedsefterspørgsel. Vandmøllen gik ud af drift i 1957 og siden har landskabet omkring bygningerne ændret sig drastisk. Stendæmningen, der tidligere kontrollerede et vandfald på 2,2 meter, er styrtet sammen og har dannet nye formationer og øer, som er sprunget i skov.
Landscape & Exteriors
1:1, actions, context, craftsmanship, documenting, edible plants, everyday life, experiments, infrastructures, inspiration, inventory, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, off the grid, place, reclycled materials, rituals, rural, self-initiated projects, storytelling, temporality, the mill
1:1, actions, context, craftsmanship, documenting, edible plants, everyday life, experiments, infrastructures, inspiration, inventory, materials, matters of concern, maximal presence, minimal economy, off the grid, place, reclycled materials, rituals, rural, self-initiated projects, storytelling, temporality, the mill